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2021 Employer Resilience Survey
What is the size of the organization you work for?
1 to19 employees
20 to 49 employees
50 to 99 employees
100 to 249 employees
250 to 499 employees
500 to 999 employees
1,000 to 2,500 employees
2,500 to 4,999 employees
5,000 to 9,999 employees
10,000 or more employees
What is the primary industry or market sector in which your organization operates?
Financial Services/Real Estate
Which of the following best describes your position?
C-level Executive
Vice President/SVP/EVP
Director/Senior Director
Which of the following best describes your work in employee wellness?
External - I work with multiple organizations and focus on improving the health of multiple populations.
Internal - I work directly with one primary employer and focus on one employee population.
Over the last 12 months, how frequently has work-life balance come up as a challenge for your employees?
Once or twice
From your perspective, to what extent has employees’ work-life balance changed over the last 12 months?
It’s significantly improved
It’s improved
It’s remained the same
It’s worsened
It’s significantly worsened
What measures have you taken to support employees' work-life balance over the last 12 months?
We offer flexible, remote working
We encourage at least one hour’s worth of breaks each day
We regularly review workloads
We encourage employees to switch off notifications outside of work hours
We provide managers and leadership with training around promoting work-life balance among colleagues
We’ve increased paid time off
We’ve increased support for parents
We use digital tools that promote work-life balance
We ask our employees how they would like to improve the work-life balance
We focus on productivity, rather than working hours
Other (please specify below)
Please describe the additional measures you have taken to support employees' work-life balance over the last 12 months?
(This is a required field if you selected "other" as an answer option above.)
How would you rate the impact of offering flexible, remote working?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
How would you rate the impact of encouraging at least one hour’s worth of breaks each day?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
How would you rate the impact of regularly reviewing workloads?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
How would you rate the impact of encouraging employees to switch off notifications outside of work hours?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
How would you rate the impact of providing managers and leadership with training around promoting work-life balance among colleagues?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
How would you rate the impact of offering increased paid time off?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
How would you rate the impact of offering increased support for parents?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
How would you rate the impact of using digital tools that promote work-life balance?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
How would you rate the impact of asking your employees how they would like to improve the work-life balance?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
How would you rate the impact of a focusing on productivity, rather than working hours?
Strong positive impact
Positive Impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
Which of the following describes how your employees’ working hours have been impacted since the pandemic started?
Increased by more than 50%
Increased by 25% to 49%
Increased by 10% to 24%
Stayed about the same
Decreased by 10% to 24%
Decreased by 25% to 49%
Decreased by more than 50%
Please rate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements.
I’ve had more requests for mental health support from my employees as a result of COVID-19.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I am concerned that my employees are experiencing burnout.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I feel that the pandemic has negatively impacted my ability to help my employees advance in their careers.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I believe the employee mental health implications of COVID-19 will negatively impact business performance over the next 12 months.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Do you have a strategy in place specifically for managing employee mental health and wellbeing?
No – but we plan to introduce a strategy this year
No – but we plan to introduce a strategy in the next three years
No – we have no plans to introduce any strategy
What is the primary driver for not having a strategy in place?
Senior leadership buy-in
Stigma – lack of understanding at work
No employee demand
Lack of suitable resources available
Which areas does your mental wellbeing strategy and resources cover?
Access to treatment - easy access to services, treatments and care
Reactive support – those at a point of crisis or needing immediate support
Detection of ill-health and early intervention – those showing signs or symptoms of mental ill-health
Prevention and education – all employees are encouraged to proactively look after their mental wellbeing
How would you rate the impact of these communication channels to highlight the mental health and wellbeing support that is available to employees?
Please select the frequency for each of the communication methods used below.
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
Posters and leaflets
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
Intranet or internal website
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
Social media
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
Manager check-ins covering wellbeing
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
Staff newsletters
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
All-staff meetings/webinars
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
Wellbeing champions/guardians
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
Neither positive nor negative impact
Negative impact
Strong negative impact
Please rate how the following areas of your employees’ wellbeing are currently supported by your tools, resources, and initiatives:
Sleep — to maintain or improve sleep amid the pandemic
Greatly supported
Neither supported or not supported
Generally not supported
Not supported at all
Coping — to help employees cope with the new demands of life
Greatly supported
Neither supported or not supported
Generally not supported
Not supported at all
Fulfilment — to promote a sense of accomplishment, growth, and purpose
Greatly supported
Neither supported or not supported
Generally not supported
Not supported at all
Connection — to help employees through loneliness and improve the quality of social relationships
Greatly supported
Neither supported or not supported
Generally not supported
Not supported at all
Health — to promote overall satisfaction with physical health and its impacts on daily life
Greatly supported
Neither supported or not supported
Generally not supported
Not supported at all
Happiness — to reverse low mood or depression
Greatly supported
Neither supported or not supported
Generally not supported
Not supported at all
Calmness — to support anxiety or worry
Greatly supported
Neither supported or not supported
Generally not supported
Not supported at all
Do you feel you have a strong understanding of the mental health and wellbeing of your people?
Yes, we take a data-driven approach to measure mental wellbeing
Yes, we use regular surveys to get an overall sense of wellbeing
Neither yes or no – we have a rough idea on an anecdotal level through employee feedback and manager 1:1s
No, we don’t have a clear understanding of mental health
No, we have no idea
Please rate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Over the last 12 months, I’ve taken on more responsibility to support my employees’ mental health and wellbeing.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I have adequately supported my employees’ mental health and wellbeing over the last 12 months.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I have clear insight and visibility into the impact my wellbeing initiatives have had on my workforce.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I believe employee wellbeing and support will be critical in attracting and retaining talent in the future.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
To what extent have conversations about mental health changed among the following groups at your organization, as a result of COVID-19?
Choose the extent to which conversations have changed for each group below.
Among employees
Greatly Increased
Increased Somewhat
Neither Increased nor Decreased
Decreased Somewhat
Greatly Decreased
Among middle-management
Greatly Increased
Increased Somewhat
Neither Increased nor Decreased
Decreased Somewhat
Greatly Decreased
Among senior leadership
Greatly Increased
Increased Somewhat
Neither Increased nor Decreased
Decreased Somewhat
Greatly Decreased
Among board members
Greatly Increased
Increased Somewhat
Neither Increased nor Decreased
Decreased Somewhat
Greatly Decreased
Not applicable
Please select the extent to which you are concerned about the following areas of employee wellbeing.
Mental health
Very concerned
Neither concerned or not concerned
Somewhat not concerned
Not at all concerned
Physical health
Very concerned
Neither concerned or not concerned
Somewhat not concerned
Not at all concerned
Financial well-being
Very concerned
Neither concerned or not concerned
Somewhat not concerned
Not at all concerned
Social well-being
Very concerned
Neither concerned or not concerned
Somewhat not concerned
Not at all concerned
How has your wellbeing budget changed in 2021?
It has increased significantly
It has increase slightly
It has not changed
It has decreased slightly
It has decreased significantly
I don’t have one
Which department has the final sign-off on your well-being budget?
Safety/Occupational risk
Corporate risk
Which areas will you be allocating investment to this year?
Access to treatment — easy access to services, treatments, and care
Reactive support — those at a point of crisis or needing immediate support
Detection of ill-health and early intervention — those showing signs or symptoms of mental ill-health
Prevention and education — all employees are encouraged to proactively look after their mental wellbeing
None of these
Please indicate whether your organization plans to increase investment in employee mental health within the next 12 months in each area below.
EAP (Employee Assistance Program)
Do not offer and have no plans to invest
Currently offer and no plans to invest more
Will increase investment
Have already increased investment
Digital mental health apps
Do not offer and have no plans to invest
Currently offer and no plans to invest more
Will increase investment
Have already increased investment
Virtual coaching
Do not offer and have no plans to invest
Currently offer and no plans to invest more
Will increase investment
Have already increased investment
Mental health insurance
Do not offer and have no plans to invest
Currently offer and no plans to invest more
Will increase investment
Have already increased investment
Promote existing resources
Do not offer and have no plans to invest
Currently offer and no plans to invest more
Will increase investment
Have already increased investment
Occupational health
Do not offer and have no plans to invest
Currently offer and no plans to invest more
Will increase investment
Have already increased investment
Manager training
Do not offer and have no plans to invest
Currently offer and no plans to invest more
Will increase investment
Have already increased investment
Mental health training
Do not offer and have no plans to invest
Currently offer and no plans to invest more
Will increase investment
Have already increased investment
Would you like to be interviewed as part of this report?
Yes--I would prefer to give my interview via web conference call
Yes- I would prefer to give my interview in written format
I am not interested in being interviewed
Would you like to survey your employees about their levels of resilience as part of this research project?
Yes, please send me the details
No, I am not interested in surveying employees in my organization about resilience in the near future.
Would you like to receive VIP early access to this research report?
Please provide your email address so that we can reach out to you.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.