BY: Jenny Green, MS // Vice President of Business Development • WELCOA
I finally took the test I’ve been putting off all of quarantine. I tried my jeans on and they still zipped!
The coronavirus outbreak has left millions of people without their normal gyms, exercise studios and fitness community. But being hunkered down at home doesn’t mean it’s an excuse to gain the #quarantine15. In all reality, it’s a perfect opportunity to become the best version of you!
While many of us have never worked out at home, there are simple things you can do to set yourself up for success.
Put it on the calendar – Start each day knowing when you will get your workout in. Pick a specific time and block it out on your calendar.
Start small – Set an alarm on your phone to walk a lap around your house at the top of every hour or start with a 5-minute walk and add another minute on each day. Also, when you’re binging your favorite new show, sit on the floor and stretch instead of lying on the couch. Any movement is better than nothing!
Track your progress – Use a tracking app like MapMyRun or give yourself a star on your calendar each day you do an activity. Seeing your success builds self-confidence and motivates you to do more!
Find an accountability partner – Find a friend or colleague who will not only help hold you accountable but join in on virtual workouts or walk-and-talks with you!
Get creative – Most stores are sold out of gym equipment but there’s a variety of options in your home to use as equipment! Try some of these to start:
- A kitchen chair for squats
- Counter tops for incline push-ups
- Frozen water bottles for dumbbells
- A backpack full of books instead of a weighted vest
- Front porch stairs instead of a stair master machine
Eat clean – It’s true that abs are made in the kitchen; especially if you’re not as active right now as you’d like to be. The best thing you can do to feel (and look) good is choose healthy snacks and eat clean throughout the day. This means selecting whole, natural foods that include lean protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats at every meal while minimizing your intake of processed foods and sugars.
Have fun – Sport a headband or throw on your favorite Richard Simmons outfit. Crank the music up loud in your living room or make a game that you’ll stop and do 10 push ups every time you hear someone mention Joe Exotic! Working out can be enjoyable, I promise!
I’ve been extremely proud of the WELCOA team as we’re using this time to get in shape and start healthy habits. We share our weekly goals and have accountability partners. We’ll even end meetings with a 1-minute wall sit or 10 jumping jacks on the fly.
Below are some 10-minute workouts I’ve sent to our team to do throughout their day on a quick break. Again, it doesn’t have to be an extensive amount of time or anything super difficult. It is important, though, to try and get some natural endorphins released every day from being active.
So my challenge to you: Pick one or two from the list below and send to your colleagues or do at home as a family. Take a photo or video of you working out and send it to me at and let’s get healthy together!
At Home Workouts: No Equipment Needed
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Each round is 3 minutes. Complete Exercise A for 30 seconds then switch to Exercise B for 30 seconds. Repeat three times in a row. Modifications are offered in video.
Round 1 (3 minutes)
- Exercise A – Guerilla walks (low squat walking up/up/back/back)
- Exercise B – Calf raises (hold on to desk if needed)
- Repeat 2 more times
Round 2 (3 minutes)
- Exercise A – Right leg lunge jump with 2 quick scissor jumps into left leg lunge jump
- Exercise B – Russian dead lift (dumbbell optional)
- Repeat 2 more times
Round 3 (3 minutes)
- Exercise A – Push up pulses (stay 45-90 degrees down and pulse)
- Exercise B – Plank with spider knee taps (knee out 90 degrees and up to elbow)
- Repeat 2 more times
Round 4 (3 minutes)
- Exercise A – Burpees with jump at top (can add in push up at bottom)
- Exercise B – Squat hold with arm circles out 90 degrees
- Repeat 2 more times
Core (15 seconds each exercise)
- Laying down with left leg straight up – reach right hand to left toe
- Switch – left hand to right toe
- Russian twist
- Laying down (leaning back) – figure out with object underneath alt. knees
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Each round is 3 minutes. Complete Exercise A for 30 seconds then switch to Exercise B for 30 seconds. Repeat three times in a row. Modifications are offered in video.
Round 1 (3 minutes)
- Exercise A – Deep squat to side leg raise. Alternate legs each squat.
- Exercise B – Imaginary jump rope
- Repeat 2 more times
30 seconds of rest
Round 2 (3 minutes)
- Exercise A – Push ups off chair
- Exercise B – Jumping jacks
- Repeat 2 more times
10 Full sit-ups
Round 3 (3 minutes)
- Exercise A – Spider mountain climbers (knee to outside elbow then alternate legs)
- Exercise B – Hamstring leans
- Repeat 2 more times
30 seconds of rest
Round 4 (3 minutes)
- Exercise A – Dips off a chair
- Exercise B – Skater jumps
- Repeat 2 more times
Core (15 seconds each exercise)
- Crunches with legs at 90 degrees
- Side-to-side toe touches
- Russian twist
- Full sit-ups
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Each round is 4 minutes. Complete Exercise A for 45 seconds with 15 second rest and then switch to Exercise B. Repeat twice in a row. Modifications are offered in video. Weights can be used for additional strength.
Round 1 (4 minutes)
- Exercise A – 10 high knees into 3 squats (Ct each leg)
- Exercise B – Seal jacks (hands clap in front of you)
- Repeat
30 seconds of rest
Round 2 (4 minutes)
- Exercise A – push-ups off box to plank jack
- Exercise B – Squat in-and-out jumps with arms out to side
- Repeat
30 seconds of rest
Round 3 (4 minutes)
- Exercise A – Mountain climbers off box
- Exercise B – Alt. step back with oblique twist (dumbbell optional)
- Repeat
1 minute wall sit
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Each round is 4 minutes. Complete the designated number of reps for each exercise before moving to the next. Repeat as many rounds as possible in the allotted time. Modifications are offered in video. Weights can be used for additional strength.
Round 1 (4 minutes)
- 10 – squat to calf raise
- 10 – curtsy lunges (ct. each rep)
- 10 – guerrilla squat walks (up/up/back/back = 1 rep)
30 seconds of jumping jacks
30 seconds of rest
Round 2 (4 minutes)
- 8 – push-ups with shoulder taps
- 8 – dips
- 8 – plank with in & out pike jumps
30 seconds of jumping jacks
30 seconds of rest
Round 3 (4 minutes)
- 20 – single leg hops with opposite knee held at 90 degrees (20 each side)
- 20 – squat with R/L step outs (ct. each rep)
- 20 – sumo (deep) squat pulses
30 seconds of jumping jacks
30 seconds of rest
TABATA (20/10 x 6 RDS) – WELL WITH WELCOA • #10
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Complete each exercise for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest. Do 6 rounds (3 minutes) of the first exercise before moving to the second. Variations are listed that we used in the video. This is optional.
- Jumping jacks – Variations include seal jacks and star jacks
- Push-ups – Variations include push-ups with shoulder taps and triceps push-ups
- Squats – Variations include Sumo squats or in & out jump squats
- Ski jumps – Variations include donkey kicks
- Full sit-ups – variations include crunches and Russian twists
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Complete each exercise for 50 second and then take 10 seconds to transition to the next exercise. Once you complete the fifth exercise go back to the first. Complete three rounds. Modifications are listed to increase difficulty and shown in video.
Group 1 (15 minutes)
- Exercise A – 2 side squats right. 1 jumping jack. 2 side squats left. 1 jumping jack. (additional jumping jacks optional)
- Exercise B – Star plank right. Push-up. Star plank left. Push-up. (additional push-ups optional)
- Exercise C – 2 forward lunges. 2 side lunges. 2 back lunges. (dumbbells optional)
- Exercise D – Burpees (additional push-ups optional)
- Exercise E – Core (side to side reaches/flutter kicks/crunches)
Repeat 3 times
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Complete each exercise for 1-minute and then go back to the top of the list and complete each exercise again for 30 seconds. Go right into a 30-second plank. Take a short 90-second break and then repeat the same format for Set 2. Modifications are listed to increase difficulty and shown in video.
Set 1 (6 minutes 30 seconds)
- Exercise A – Single leg pistol squats (R – 30 secs/L – 30 secs)
- Exercise B – Deep squat to calf raise (dumbbell optional)
- Exercise C – Frog jumps
- Exercise D – Wall sit (dumbbell optional)
- Repeat with no rest but only 30 seconds for each exercise
- 30 second plank
Set 2 (6 minutes 30 seconds)
- Exercise A – Imaginary line jumps or hi-knees
- Exercise B – Plank with R shoulder/L shoulder tap then 2 in & out jumps
- Exercise C – Squat in & out jumps (stay low the entire time. DB optional)
- Exercise D – Bicycle abs
- Repeat with no rest but only 30 seconds for each exercise
- 30 second plank
30/30 X 3 RDS – WELL WITH WELCOA • #7
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Complete Exercise A (strength) for 30 seconds and move right on to Exercise B (cardio), then back to Exercise A, B, A, B with no rest. Repeat twice then move right into the 1 minute core exercise. Modifications are listed to increase difficulty and shown in video. These are optional.
Set 1 (7 minutes)
- Exercise A – Standing side leg extensions (R – 15 secs/L – 15 secs)
- Exercise B – Mountain climbers
- Exercise A – Standing side leg extensions OR modify up to side lunge pulses (R – 15 secs/L – 15 secs)
- Exercise B – Mountain climbers
- Exercise A – Standing side leg extensions OR modify up to side-to-side skaters
- Exercise B – Mountain climbers
- Repeat with no rest
- 1 minute – crunches or sit-ups
Set 2 (7 minutes)
- Exercise A – Plank w/ alternating straight arm raise (can go off chair or couch)
- Exercise B – You pick: jumping jacks, jump rope, squat jumps
- Exercise A – Plank w/ alternating straight arm raise OR modify up to push up pulses
- Exercise B – You pick: jumping jacks, jump rope, squat jumps
- Exercise A – Plank w/ alternating straight arm raise OR modify up to push up & push offs
- Exercise B – You pick: jumping jacks, jump rope, squat jumps
- Repeat with no rest
- 1 minute – core leg raises w/ back flat on ground
TABATA (20/10 X 6 RDS) – WELL with WELCOA • #6
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Complete each exercise for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest. Do 6 rounds (3 minutes) of the first exercise before moving to the second. Modifications are listed that we used in the video. This is optional.
Set 1 (6 minutes)
- Push-ups (regular, triceps w/ hands in diamond, shoulder taps, regular, triceps w/ hands in diamond, shoulder taps)
- Cardio (jumping jacks, alt. lunge jumps, imaginary jump rope, jumping jacks, alt. lunge jumps, imaginary jump rope)
- 1 minute plank
Set 2 (6 minutes)
- Squats (regular, in & out jumps, gorilla walks, regular, in & out jumps, gorilla walks)
- Cardio (mountain climbers, quick feet, burpees, mountain climbers, quick feet, burpees)
- 1 minute plank
Every Minute on the Minute (EMOTM) – WELL with WELCOA • Workout #5
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Complete each exercise for 50 seconds with 10 seconds to transition to the next exercise. You’ll notice in the video that the last 20 seconds of each exercise, we increase the movement and intensity. This is optional.
Set 1 (6 minutes)
- Squats – Intensity: alternate knee lift at top of squat
- Mountain climbers – Intensity: add 2 plank jacks every 3rd mt. climber
- Split lunge pulses (stay low) – switch legs at 25 seconds
- Squats – Intensity: in and out jumps with a squat
- Mountain climbers – Intensity: cross knee to opposite elbow
- Split lunge pulses (stay low) – switch legs at 25 seconds
1 minute plank
Set 2 (6 minutes)
- Inchworm walk out – Intensity: add a push up
- Dips – Intensity: alternate leg lift at top of dip
- Imaginary line jumps side-to-side – Intensity: Increase speed
- Inchworm walk out – Intensity: add a push up and jump at the top
- Dips – Intensity: hold leg out for 3 dips and then switch legs
- Imaginary line jumps side-to-side – Intensity: increase speed
1 minute plank
TABATA (20/10 X 6 RDS) – WELL with WELCOA • Workout #4
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Complete each exercise for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest. Do 6 rounds (3 minutes) of the first exercise before moving to the second. Modifications are listed that we used in the video. This is optional.
Set 1 (6 minutes)
- Squats (regular, sumo, regular, guerilla walks, squat hold, you pick)
- Planks (regular, alt star reaches, walk outs/ins, alt Superman reaches, regular, you pick)
1 minute wall sit
Set 2 (6 minutes)
- Lunges (alt forward lunges, side-to-side, alt lunge jumps, side-to-side w/ 2 pulses, alt forward lunges, you pick)
- Abs (hollow hold, crunches, straight up toe taps, side-to-side shoe taps, Russian twists, full sit-ups)
1 minute wall sit
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) – WELL with WELCOA • Workout #3
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Each round is 4 minutes. Complete 8 reps of each exercise before moving to the next. Repeat as many rounds as possible in the allotted time. Modifications are offered in video. Weights can be used for additional strength.
Round 1 (4 minutes)
- 8 – squats onto bench
- 8 – bench push-ups
- 8 – full sit-ups
30 seconds of calf raises
Round 2 (4 minutes)
- 8 – side-to-side lunges (ct. each leg)
- 8 – jumping jacks
- 8 – squat to overhead press
30 seconds of imaginary jump rope
Round 3 (4 minutes)
- 8 – guerilla squat walk (up-up-back-back = 1)
- 8 – dips off bench
- 8 – mountain climbers (ct. 1 leg)
30 second plank with alternate dumbbell upright rows to tricep extension
30/15 – WELL with WELCOA • Workout #2
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Equipment needed: dumbbells (substitute 2 cans or water bottles), chair
Set 1 (4 minutes)
- Squat to overhead press with dumbbells
- Alternate forward lunges with dumbbells
- Core: 1-minute Russian twist with dumbbell
Set 2 (4 minutes)
- Push ups with should taps at top (can be off bench)
- Lat raises with dumbbells – alternate front and side
- Core: 1-minute leg raises
Set 3 (4 minutes)
- 2 side shuffles then straight arm extension with dumbbells
- Imaginary jump rope
- Core: 1-minute plank
60/30 – WELL with WELCOA • Workout #1
Watch the recording below while you do the workout.
Instructions: Complete each exercise for the allotted amount and then move to the next exercise with no rest. Repeat each set twice with a minute of rest in between.
Set 1 – 2x through = 6 minutes total
- 60 secs – lunge walks
- 30 secs – jumping jacks
- 60 secs – squats into chair
- 30 secs – dips off chair
Set 2 – 2x through = 6 minutes total
- 60 secs – star planks raising alternate hands
- 30 secs – squat jumps (in & out)
- 60 secs – arm circles in sumo squat position
- 30 secs – mountain climbers off chair
Every Minute on the Minute
Instructions: Do each exercise for a minute and then move right to the next exercise with no break. Repeat twice.
- Walking lunges down a hallway
- Jumping jacks
- Tricep dips off a counter or chair
- Squats to calf raise
- Plank hold
- 1 minute rest
Leg Ladder
Instructions: Must complete all reps of one exercise before going to the next
- 100 walking lunges
- 90 side-to-side shuffles
- 80 jump ropes
- 70 calf raises
- 60 step ups (stair, fireplace or chair)
- 50 air squats
- 40 Russian deadlifts (legs straight, push your hips back and touch your toes)
- 30 straight leg lifts (laying on your back)
- 20 sumo squats (feet out wider than shoulders)
- 10 single leg squats
Core Circuit
- 30 crunches
- 30 bicycle crunches (count each rep)
- 30 pike up toe touches (legs straight up in the air)
- 30 leg lifts (keep back flat on ground)
- 15 full sit ups
- 15 side plank hip lifts (right)
- 15-second plank hold
- 15 side plank hip lifts (left)
- 30 seconds of flutter kicks
- Repeat as desired
Fierce 50’s
Instructions: 50 reps of each exercise before moving to the next exercise.
- Stairs – Each step counts as 1 rep. Can use a stair case, front porch, step-stool, or bench.
- Side lunges (25 each side)
- 90 degree hold w/ calf raises (25 each side) – Hold 1 knee up to 90-degrees and do calf raises on that leg. Hold wall or chair for support.
- Seal claps – Like jumping jacks but hold arms out to the side and then clap together in front of you like a seal.
- Gorilla walks – Squat down and hold in that position. Then walk up-up-back-back = 1 rep.
Tenacious 10’s
Instructions: 10 reps each exercise x 3 rounds of each section. Complete all three rounds of one section (lower or upper/core) in a row before moving to the next.
Lower Body:
- 10 body weight squats.
- 10 alternating lunges – Count each lunge as 1 rep.
- 10 calf raises – Hold on to a counter if needed for stability.
- Air squat (or wall sit) at 90 degrees and hold for 10 seconds.
Upper Body/Core:
- 10 standing push-ups – Against a wall, back of the couch or using a counter.
- 10 jumping jacks
- 10-second plank hold – If you want easier, use the back of the couch or for higher difficulty try on the ground using hands or elbows.
- 10 full sit-ups
Jenny Green, MS // Vice President of Business Development • WELCOA
Jenny’s passion for living a healthy lifestyle with a focus on a positive mindset comes from her days as an All-American in the pole vault for the University of Nebraska and Team USA. Utilizing her Master of Arts, Jenny has experience in developing behavior management and growing team culture along with new brand development.