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Do You Have a Best Friend at Work? Creating the Conditions for Nourishing Relationships

Let’s face it: We’re (still) lonely. In fact, one in five employees worldwide currently feels lonely at work. One factor contributing to this loneliness epidemic may be a lack of friendships. Having friends at work can make or break our overall job satisfaction, and for many adults, the workplace is where we tend to cultivate…

Holiday Stress and the Workplace Influence

’Tis the season to socialize, celebrate, be merry—and for many, to be stressed. The holiday season can be complex, blending joyous emotions with feelings of sadness, frustration or even anger. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), 28% of Americans report feeling more stressed this holiday season compared to last year. Other studies show that…

Menopause: Supporting Female Employees as They Age

More than one million women in the U.S. experience menopause each year, yet there are few workplace supports being put in place for this population. As more research is being conducted and the topic becomes less taboo, attitudes and expectations about menopause and its relationship to work are changing. Organizations must be prepared to assist…

Building a Grateful Workplace

Supporting efforts toward healthy employees includes evaluating policies, practices, and promotions to ensure the environment helps foster a successful wellness initiative.

Four Strategies to Spread Kindness at Work

Kindness— a word many have long associated with “softness” or “weakness.” As research on kindness continues to emerge, views around this topic in the workplace are evolving. Kindness is defined as being compassionate, considerate, and caring for others without the expectation of receiving something in return. According to the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, kindness…

Peer Support Programs in the Workplace

An estimated one in five people in the U.S. and Canada will personally experience mental illness in any given year. Furthermore, 70% of Canadians report that work impacts their mental health, and that increases to 84% for those in the U.S. Clearly, workplaces play an extremely important role in mental well-being. Organizations have a responsibility…

Motivational Interviewing as a Leadership Strategy for Improved Employee Well-Being

It is no secret that we all want to be part of a positive and healthy work environment. Helping employees be well at work is about more than encouraging them to eat better and move more. Yes, those things are important, but employee well-being is also about creating work environments where employees feel authentically connected…

Strategies for Mental Hygiene and Psychological Safety at Work

What actions can you take to maintain your own mental health and to ensure that your workplace is psychologically safe? Reaching these goals requires deliberate effort, according to the presenters of “Developing Leaders to Support Total Worker Health,” a recent webcast from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. LaBarron Burwell, faculty and employee assistance…

Cancer in the Workplace: How Employers Can Support Employees Who Are Diagnosed With Cancer

A cancer diagnosis can be life changing, and as patients try to navigate the “unknowns” of their new reality, many wonder how this diagnosis will impact their work life. Half of people diagnosed with cancer are within working age. Beyond that, half of diagnosed patients are afraid to tell their employers about their diagnosis even…

2024 Well Workplace Award Winners 

WELCOA’s Well Workplace Award sets the standard for workplace wellness, recognizing organizations that contribute to whole-person wellness through innovative workplace wellness initiatives. Each award winner has excelled in each of WELCOA’s 7 Benchmarks and has built and shaped high-performing, effective wellness programs.  All of our Well Workplace Award winners share a vision of protecting and…