As we all know, the new year signifies a fresh start to many, and it is a common time to make resolutions and goals for the year ahead. Employees have likely already made promises to themselves to improve their eating habits, increase their physical activity, get better sleep, find more work-life harmony, or address their mental health concerns, for example. The question might arise, how does an employee’s personal wellness goals impact the organization or vice versa?
As Well Workplace Benchmark 1 states, successful well-being initiatives require strong leadership commitment to both employee well-being and personal wellness. Leaders have a responsibility to create a culture where others can thrive and be well, including supporting them in reaching their personal well-being goals. When employees feel cared for and experience a sense of connection, they are more engaged and satisfied with their work. Gallup reports that more engaged employees are not only more productive but also 21% more profitable. To that point, a wellness strategy needs to be thoughtfully integrated; otherwise, it can come across as inauthentic, leaving employees with the feeling that it exists solely to benefit the company and reduce costs. With that in mind, how can leaders best support employees with their personalized wellness resolutions and goals?
Lead by Example. When leaders participate in workplace wellness initiatives, it sends a message to employees that they care and that wellness is personally important to them. It also reinforces a culture of wellness and gives employees permission to engage in initiatives offered. Not only is it important for executive leadership to lead by example, but it’s also crucial to empower other leaders within the organization—including direct managers, supervisors, and anyone else who can be seen as a leader—to get involved in wellness in a way that feels authentic to them and their goals.
Support Use of Wellness Benefits. Wellness benefits and offerings can be meaningful, promote a culture of well-being, and support individual employee health goals—but only when employees have the support to fully take advantage of them. Leading by example is one way to prioritize well-being, and another is by actively encouraging employees to take advantage of wellness initiatives. For instance, if a noon Friday meditation session is offered, consider scheduling meetings outside that time. If an employee wants to use their lunch hour for a walk outside, use the workplace gym equipment, or enjoy a quiet space to relax, encourage their choice.
Encourage Open Communication. Employees are complete individuals with goals, aspirations, and lives outside the workplace. By leading with empathy and engaging in meaningful, professional conversations, leaders can better understand their employees and learn how best to support their wellness goals. For example, if an employee aims to increase their daily steps, a walking meeting could be a thoughtful suggestion. If they are working on getting more organized, providing guidance on best practices might be appreciated.
Understand Preferred Working Style. Taking time to understand employee preferences and finding ways to integrate them into their work can deepen trust, offer flexibility, and support overall well-being. Gallup identifies two types of workers: splitters and blenders. Splitters prefer clear boundaries between work and personal time, while blenders mix the two throughout the day. Another way to explain this idea is work life balance and work life integration. For example, one employee may prefer a 9 a.m.-5 p.m. schedule, reserving evenings for personal well-being or family, while another may prefer to work from 8 a.m.-3 p.m., take time for family activities, and then work again from 5-7 p.m. While this approach might not be suitable for all jobs, studies show that 70-80% of employees would consider leaving a job if it lacked schedule flexibility.
By leading by example, fostering a culture of care, encouraging open communication, and providing the right resources, leaders can support employees by prioritizing their well-being in the new year. This commitment not only supports individual growth but also contributes to a more engaged, happier, and healthier workforce.
Benchmark 1: Leadership Alignment Toolkit
ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTOR ASHTON DEMOSS // Wellness Content & Information Specialist • IFEBP
Ashton DeMoss currently serves as a Wellness Content and Information Specialist at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, the partner organization of the Wellness Alliance. With extensive experience in the worksite wellness industry, she is passionate about promoting health and well-being in the workplace. To prioritize her personal wellness, she enjoys group exercise classes and participating in a monthly book club.