Study after study confirms, there’s one habit at the top of the list when it comes to achieving sustainable, lasting weight loss.
No, it’s not exercise.
It’s not eating more protein.
Or even being more mindful.
And hardly any of your employees are doing it.
Watch this webinar to discover the #1 habit that can transform the way your employees lose weight and keep it off.
You’ll learn:
- The #1 weight loss habit of the most successful MyFitnessPal members
- What they did differently than everyone else
- Why this #1 habit led to success
- And how you can help your employees win with this habit too
Join Dr. Diana Fleming (PhD nutritionist) and coauthor of the New York Times bestseller The Full Plate Diet for this webinar – The #1 Habit Employees Need for Lasting Weight Loss.
You’ll walk away with a fresh perspective on how to help your employees slim down and eat healthier in 2018.
Full Plate Living’s Slide Handouts
Download the handouts for this video.