As strange as it sounds, most of your employees are not eating enough to lose weight.
Not even close.
On average, only 3% of Americans are eating enough and it’s resulting in less productive employees and higher health care costs.
Join Dr. Diana Fleming (PhD nutritionist) and coauthor of New York Times bestseller The Full Plate Diet for this webinar, Are Your Employees Eating Enough to Lose Weight?
Dr. Fleming will share the 5-letter F word that can change the way your employees lose weight and keep it off.
Your employees are not going to stumble on this information by themselves. They need your help.
By watching this webinar and you’ll learn:
- What the top 2 most common myths about weight loss are
- The 5 letter F word that changes everything about weight loss
- And, how you can make an actual difference in your employee’s health
Help your employees learn how to enjoy a full plate and still lose weight.
Full Plate Living’s Slide Handouts
Download the handouts for this video.