The first step to workplace wellness solutions is the health assessment. Unfortunately, it is also most often the first barrier. Traditional assessments are long, tedious and contain questions that require other information in order to complete. They can sometimes feel invasive, and in design they often lead employees to feel like assessments are less about them and more about serving the needs of the company’s bottom line.
Dr. Michael Musci along with Peg Fenner-Gulledge, believe that the ultimate common pathway to health is human behavior. Together with New Ocean’s clinical team they develop innovative solutions that engage individuals at every state and stage.
Peg Fenner-Gulledge led the research, design and development of reimagining the health risk appraisal to create New Ocean’s NCQA-certified Private Health Assessment and the Minute Health Assessment®.
This webinar explores the science behind the vision to deliver a validated assessment that initiates, engages and educates users, increasing completion percentages.
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