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Benchmark 5 Toolkit

Benchmark #5
Choosing Initiatives that Support the Whole Employee


These resources will help you align your well workplace strategy with decisions made to bring the right intervention to your organization. Determine why, how and what intervention you choose matters in the success of your wellness programs.

12 Results

Physical Activity Intervention: A Case Study with Goodwill Industries of North Central Wisconsin

In this case study from a WELCOA Platinum Award winning program at Goodwill Industries of North Central Wisconsin, Jeff Stieg shares the physical activity intervention that they have been using in order to encourage exercise at work for both health and safety reasons. Get the GoodMoves activities that can be used at your location starting…

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Choosing Initiatives that Support the Whole Employee

Choosing Appropriate Initiatives Planning Template

This planning template supports employee health and wellbeing so they can succeed at what they want to achieve toward a thriving life. This can happen at the workplace and be aligned with the organization specific wellbeing vision and purpose. Use the toolkit items to enhance your decision making skills to bring the right intervention to your organization.

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Whole Employee Wellness Program Guide

Creating Sustainable Habit Change in Your Company Culture

As you are planning your workplace wellness interventions, feel free to use the Habits at Work tactical approaches to create alignment with your well workplace strategy and operating plan.

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Expert Interview: The Exciting World of Well Building with Paul Scialla

What if you could structure an environment where your employees could experience improved health, well-being, productivity and performance? DelosTM asked that same question. WELCOA sits down with Paul Scialla, Founder and CEO of Delos and Founder of the International WELL Building InstituteTM (IWBITM).

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Expert Interview: Human Health & Wellness in the Built Environment with Dr. Brent Bauer

What you need to know about the Well Living LabTM: Light, air, and noise impact health, the aim of the Well Living Lab is to find out how. A smart team of scientists and researchers are working right now to create smarter spaces and healthier employees. WELCOA sits down with Dr. Brent Bauer from the Mayo Clinic to learn more about the project.

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Eating Well: The Mayo Prescription for Good Nutrition: Interview with Dr. Donald Hensrud

Imagine walking in the shoes of a Mayo Clinic Physician. What questions do they ask their patients about their diets and how does one of the most advanced models of care achieve healthy eating compliance in the real world? WELCOA President Ryan Picarella sits down with Dr. Donald Hensrud for the Mayo perspective on food.

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Sit for 60 Move for 3 Poster

[Free Resource] Use this “Sit For 60, Move For 3” poster to inspire physical activity in your workforce.

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Expert Interview with Dr. David Katz: Lifestyle as Medicine

Every once in a while, an article comes along that gets the entire country buzzing about health and well-being. This is that article. WELCOA President, Ryan Picarella recently sat down with Dr. David Katz for a paradigm-shifting conversation about what the medical community really knows about disease prevention.

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Expert Interview with Dr. Ann Kulze: Eat Right For Life – The Family Plan

50% of health care dollars are spend on employees’ spouses and dependents; do you have a strategic plan for improving health for the whole family? In this exclusive WELCOA Expert Interview, medical doctor and nutrition expert Dr. Ann Kulze shares how to tackle this critical cost driver for organizations.

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Expert Interview with Dr. Paul Terry: Successful Partnerships in Employee Wellness

How does choosing the right wellness vendor impact program success? Paul Terry, Chief Science Officer at StayWell, shares his research-backed views about the roles of vendors, employers and employees in successful health promotion partnerships.

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