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How COVID-19 Is Impacting the Workplace

Resources for employees and employers during this time.

6 Results

Mandating the Vaccine

With COVID-19 upending lives and workplaces worldwide, the anticipation of a vaccine is apparent. If and when one becomes available, what legal issues should employers and wellness programs consider going into 2021?

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Resource 9: Mindfulness Enhances Resilience

Mindfulness is one technique used to build resilience to bounce back from obstacles and challenges. This beautifully designed resource is ready to share with your employees to help guide them on ways to use mindfulness to increase their resilience.

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The WELCOA Pulse – Jim Purcell & Steven Van Yoder

On this WELCOA Pulse webinar with the co-founders of the Returns on Wellbeing Institute, learn about how an organizational focus on employee financial well-being is important now more than ever.

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The Intersection of Occupational Health and Workplace Wellness

Join Attorney Barbara Zabawa and her guest, Dr. Naomi Abrams, for an insightful discussion about the intersection between occupational health and wellness.

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FFCRA and CARES Act Updates

This month, Barbara Zabawa, discusses the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) & the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

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The WELCOA Pulse – Stuart Chittenden

Originally aired March 26, 2020. In this episode, WELCOA President Ryan Picarella will be talking about loneliness with Stuart Chittenden, founder of Squishtalks. In this session, Ryan and Stuart will discuss the effects of loneliness on workers, the cost of loneliness on workplaces and how conversations can combat loneliness.

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