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10 Results

Advancing Health Equity: What Can You Do?

Health disparities directly impact the US health system by $57.5 billion annually and combined with systemic issues, health equity is a very lofty goal rather than a reality. The good news is that employers and their partners are in a unique position to advance health equity.

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Tips for Rising Up With Resilience When Life Knocks You Down

Life is messy and sometimes we get knocked down. Rachel Druckenmiller, Founder & CEO of Unmuted, shares tips for rising up with resilience when life knocks you down in this quick guide supplement to the WELCOA Pulse: I’m Still Standing – Rising Up with Resilience When Life Knocks You Down.

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Get to Your Destination in a Healthy Way: Travel Wellness

John Ayo provides helpful advice (based on his experience) that shows business travelers how to stay healthy and productive while on the road, and ensuring that you perform at your best.

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Sample Packing Checklist: Travel Wellness

Use this guide to help you identify if you have packed all of things that you will need for your business trip. It is simply a list of things that will help you be prepared to travel with your health and wellness in mind.

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Ten Company Strategies: Travel Wellness

Consider these 10 policies or procedures within your business that will contribute to safe and secure employee travel.

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Work at Love, Love at Work

[ 2018 Summit / Day 1 ] Great leaders have one thing in common: love is the core tenet on which they stand. In this keynote presentation, hear what Kim Harrison has to say about love in the workplace.

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The Keys to Workplace Mental Health: Voice. Value. Vigilance.

[ 2018 Summit / Day 1 ] In this 2018 Summit Keynote, Mettie Spiess discusses the evolution of mental health in the workplace and how to create supportive stigma-free environments that save lives! Together, we apply the power of peer-to-peer support to increase employee engagement and decrease workplace anxiety. Walk away with tools and strategies to start and sustain an effective mental wellness movement in your organization.

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Expert Interview: Understanding the Power of the Dollar with John Perkins

From the heart of the Amazon to the slopes of the Andes, John Perkins has witnessed the effects corporate greed has had on the environment and people. In this exciting expert interview, Perkins talks with WELCOA about how to create a movement while we shop, the power of gratitude, and how we can channel our emotions into worldwide change.

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Dr. Vic Strecher: Purpose-Driven… Finding Purpose in Your Worksite Wellness Program

It’s safe to say that most worksite wellness programs are not “purpose-driven.” To be sure, traditional programs have focused on health risk factors and metrics; they haven’t tackled such nebulous topics like life’s purpose and meaning. But solid research is indicating that wellness professionals may want to reconsider and incorporate this critical element into their programs.

In this part-two interview, WELCOA President Ryan Picarella asks Vic Strecher to reveal the current research, the application of concepts, future direction, and the tools and resources available when it comes to making worksite wellness programs “purpose-driven.”

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Dr. Vic Strecher: A Conversation on “Purpose”

At one time or another, we’ve probably all pondered our purpose in life. What are we here for? What are we meant to do? These are certainly common questions, but the answers are not so easy to come by. Indeed, some of the brightest and most intelligent minds on the planet devote their lives to these very questions. Such is the case with Dr. Vic Strecher.

In this exclusive interview with WELCOA President Ryan Picarella, Vic discusses the importance of having “purpose” in life and health. Dr. Strecher gives, in detail, how his life was changed after the passing of his daughter, Julia, and how he was able to find new purpose for living well.

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