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Wellness Alliance Events

49 Results

Are Psychedelics, like Ketamine, Legal as a Wellness Benefit? November 2023

The increasing interest in addressing mental health issues in the workplace includes a rising interest in alternative therapies. One of those alternative therapies that is gaining popularity is the use of psychedelics like Ketamine to treat depression, PTSD, and other behavioral health disorders. The number of startups offering Ketamine services is growing to meet the demand. Should employers offer these treatments to employees to improve their well-being? What are the legal risks? This webinar will answer those questions as well as provide a brief background in government regulation of drugs both at the state and federal levels.

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WELCOA Summit 2023 – Presentations

Rachel Druckenmiller – 3 Ways to Unmute Yourself @ Work: Elevate Your Confidence and Courage to Amplify Your Career Read Keynote Article Dr. Russell Robinson – Welcome to the Overwhelmed Club Download Presentation Mitch Martens – The Aurora Wellness Project Download Social Solar System Results Patty Purpur de Vries – Elevate Your Life One Thought…

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Workplace Wellness and State Laws, August 2023

In this webinar, the speaker will discuss the importance of and difference between state and federal laws. The speaker will discuss state privacy laws, state laws involving workplace wellness program evaluation, state laws involving certification of workplace wellness programs, state screening laws as well as state licensure laws.

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Employers or Vendors? Who’s Legally Responsible for WW Compliance? June 2023

In this session, we will discuss whether and when workplace wellness program vendors (including broker/consultants) bear legal risk when administering corporate wellness programs, and when the employer bears that risk. We will also discuss how that risk may be allocated. Provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) will also be addressed as it pertains to workplace wellness programs.

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State of Fertility & Family Benefits Fireside Chat

Meeting global challenges with better family health care: Key takeaways from Maven’s latest research

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Are Employers Legally Required to Implement Workplace Wellness Programs? December 2022

In this webinar, we will discuss ERISA fiduciary duty and whether employers have a fiduciary duty to implement wellness programs that could potentially save the group health plan money. The session will cover basic legal principles involving ERISA law and then apply those concepts to workplace wellness to determine if wellness program stakeholders can advocate for employer investment in workplace wellness as a legal duty of the employer.

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Gearing Up for 2023: The Future of Workplace Well-Being Consulting – WELCOA Special Event

As employers move toward providing a suite of services with highly specialized support rather than having a one-size-fits-all vendor, the demand for consultants’ vendor selection support continues to increase. Wellness Alliance can help brokers and consultants scale and employers make the most out of their outsourced relationships.

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Legal Issues Involving HRAs and Biometric Screens, September 2022

Two recent lawsuits, one brought by the AARP (again) and one against the City of Chicago’s wellness program, involve HRAs and biometric screens. After discussing these cases and the implications for workplace wellness programs, we will discuss other legal issues that HRAs and biometric screens present.

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Feedback that Supports Safety and Trust

In this Pulse, join us as we chat through this skill set from our expertise and experience as leaders. We’ll provide tactical methods of delivering feedback and outline why this is crucial for creating healthy and engaging organizational cultures. You’ll leave with the ability to safely deliver feedback to your peers, leaders, and/or direct reports in a way that supports a safe and trusting environment.

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Hybrid Approach to Care: How Top Orthopedists Are Now Addressing Musculoskeletal Pain – WELCOA Special Event

In this special event, you’ll learn how AKLOS Health can help you strike the right balance for your valued employees. You’ll also find out how they’re the only solution on the market today that addresses the critical soft tissue component of chronic pain, and why that’s important for the wellness of your workforce.

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