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Planning Templates

23 Results

Benchmark 6: Cultivate Supportive Health Promoting Environments, Policies and Practices

The purpose of this benchmark is to assist in creating policies, resources, and support that help foster a workplace centered on the employee’s well-being.

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Crafting an Operating Plan

This planning template will help you organize your strategic plan. Remember that plans are fluid, not rigid, and are to be used more of a guide in designing your well workplace initiatives. You will find that many of these items are required as part of the Well Workplace Award Application.

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Data Collection Checklist

Beyond biometrics and health risk data, this new toolkit will help you determine what information you need to know to help employees live better lives and create the organizational culture that you want.

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Measuring Well-Being Planning Template

Members of the WELCOA community spent six weeks exploring the important aspects of measuring well-being with subject matter expert and Founder of AdvancingWellness, Mari Ryan, in WELCOA’s inaugural Inner Circle on Measuring Well-Being. This resource provides you with a template to help develop an evaluation strategy to measure what matters most in your organization.

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Activating Wellness Program Participation

There is definitely an art to creating enthusiasm and increasing active participation in your company’s worksite wellness initiative. Move the needle when it comes to increasing employee participation and engagement in your programs.

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Sample Packing Checklist: Travel Wellness

Use this guide to help you identify if you have packed all of things that you will need for your business trip. It is simply a list of things that will help you be prepared to travel with your health and wellness in mind.

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Well Workplace Checklist Questions

Take the guess work out of determining your organization’s wellness strategy. Download WELCOA’s Well Workplace Checklist questions to prepare your team for the checklist online.

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Key Mindsets for Mastering Checklist

Use this quick guide to help you prepare to take the Well Workplace Checklist. Each page outlines the themes and key mindsets at each of our 7 Benchmarks. Complete these worksheets with leadership and/or your wellness team to help determine your strategic wellness goals.

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Our Logic Model for Employee Wellness Programs

[ FREE RESOURCE ] WELCOA’s 7 Benchmarks approach is a logic model comprised of seven iterative steps that, when completed in an aligned way, will ensure that you will have a truly meaningful and successful wellness initiative design to achieve what you want it to achieve.

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