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Word of the Year
Word of the Year

Choosing a “Word of the Year” has been a trend over the last few years where people choose one word that they will focus on for the year. It is an opportunity to reflect on what matters to you and to set intentions that are aligned with your values. Help us make a WELCOA Word of the Year word cloud by sharing your “Word of the Year” for 2022 with us.


This poll is not scientific and is for entertainment purposes only. This poll reflects the opinions of only those Well-Informed readers who have chosen to participate and not the opinions of WELCOA users in general. WELCOA is not responsible for the opinions expressed therein. WELCOA does not provide medical or any other health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. This poll is not a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem, disease, or to prescribe any medication.