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WWA Platinum Designation

Congratulations! Your company has earned a

Well Workplace Platinum Designation

With this achievement, we encourage you to download and utilize the WELCOA Well Workplace Platinum badge below. This badge may be used online (websites, enewsletters, email signatures, etc.) and on print materials (business cards, stationary, direct mail pieces, flyers, and other business documents) to communicate this designation.

The WELCOA Well Workplace Platinum badge should not be altered in any way or include additional words. If using the badge on the web, we ask that you please hyperlink the image to

Print (EPS)


Print (JPG)


Web (PNG)


Not sure which file type you need?

Here’s a Quick Guide:


Q: I’m creating something for digital use or screen display—like a presentation, image or document—that will primarily be seen online.

A: Use PNG or JPG files. PNG files are ideal for digital use such as web pages and digital presentations. Their transparent backgrounds make them ideal for places where a transparent background is required (like over a solid color). JPGs also work well on the web provided they are not too large in file size.

Q: I’m using Microsoft Office or another word or layout program to create something to print out, like a letter or flyer.

A: Use JPGs for Word documents that you intend to print, or for any projects that require printing at a low-to-medium resolution.

Q: I’m creating a large piece for an event or for marketing purposes.

A: EPS files (also known as vector files) are best suited for large-scale projects. They’re designed to produce high resolution graphics for print, and will retain their resolution when enlarged. EPS files, much like PDFs, can be opened in several different applications, including but not limited to Adobe Creative Cloud products. If you are working with a commercial printer, they will often request files in an EPS format.


Still have questions? Email us at