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Exploring Purpose in Work and Life with Reggie Hammond

The question of purpose is one that has permeated every aspect of our lives, including the workplace. As employees discover what energizes them in their daily lives, workplaces have begun to recognize how pivotal the recognition of purpose is. How do we find purpose in our work and lives? What does it mean to answer a calling? Wellness Alliance sits down with coach and leadership expert Reggie Hammond to find out the answers.

The question of purpose is one that has permeated every aspect of our lives, including the workplace. As employees discover what energizes them in their daily lives, workplaces have begun to recognize how pivotal the recognition of purpose is. How do we find purpose in our work and lives? What does it mean to answer a calling? Wellness Alliance sits down with coach and leadership expert Reggie Hammond to find out the answers.

Would you rather listen than read? Check out the podcast episode.


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