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WELCOA and CHC Wellbeing 2020 Trends in Wellness Survey

Now more than ever the need to understand that employee well-being is not a choice in today’s workplace. It’s critical to organization’s long-term success.

Now more than ever the need to understand that employee well-being is not a choice in today’s workplace. It’s critical to organization’s long-term success. Having the right wellness strategies in place are key. See the proof in the 2020 Trends in Wellness Survey, a joint research project led by WELCOA and CHC Wellbeing. This study examined current beliefs about, and experiences with, wellness programming in the workplace. You will find survey data that can be used to advocate for actions providing vital solutions enriching the well-being, health, and safety of employees.

WELCOA and CHC Wellbeing 2020 Trends in Wellness Survey

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